"The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective." ~~ Al Neuharth
Isn't it funny how our heart sometimes remembers the past a little bit differently than another who lived through the exact same experience with us? I always find this so fascinating!
Think about your children, for instance.... I am willing to bet there are times when your children have come running to you fiercely angry at the other for something that took place maybe only moments before...
But, in that span of 30 seconds that it took them to get from their "battle zone" to you, each child is trying to out-yell the other with their version of "what happened"! And crazily, each version of what happened could not be more different than the other!
Don't you just sometimes find yourself looking at them in total bewilderment thinking, "What in the what?!" ha!
To be honest, there is actually a very good reason each child feels so passionate about their version of "what happened"....and it's not because they are honing their little "lying skills", so don't worry. ;-)
But I'll get to my "take" on this matter in just a minute.
I love to watch and observe others. People absolutely fascinate me. I love to see how they interact with each other....what makes them smile.....what sets them off.......and especially what moves them to tears.
Sometimes, I catch myself watching other couples and I can become completely mesmerized by how very different they are from one another. What angers one, might tickle the other. What moves another to compassionate tears, might draw the other to roll their eyes in disdain. It's so funny to me. So interesting. I find myself wondering sometimes, "How in the world did these two end up together?"
And rest assured that MANY have, most likely, wondered the same about my husband and me! (Including me!) ha!
If you ever watch shows like Dr. Phil, inevitably you will see family members who grew up and lived together in the same house, with the same parents, during the same time period, but who ALL have completely different perceptions of what went on in that house!!
It's always so mind-boggling to me!
How does this happen? How is this possible that a family who grew up TOGETHER, with basically the same dynamics, the same circumstances and the same history, look back at that exact time period with SUCH DIFFERENT memories and feelings about what took place?
And now back to the kids I mentioned earlier.......How can two tattling kids feel so righteous and passionate that their version of how things went so wrong IS the truth??
Well, I think I have discovered the easy answer.
My easy answer is this: "Perception." You see, each of us has our own perception of the world around us...... and how we perceive that world is what makes the difference.
It is in THIS perception that we are able to determine WHAT we feel about certain situations and HOW it affects US.
Why do you suppose two people with the exact same circumstances can be affected by their situation in such completely different ways?
Why? It is because we are all "wired" so differently from one another!
Not only that, but how we are affected by what someone says or does to us, depends greatly on how much we care or don't care about the person who said or did it!
You see what I mean? For instance, If my husband were to tell me that I was a terrible mother, it would hurt me much worse than if someone else who doesn't know me or know anything about my relationship with my children had said it.
And here's another "perception" of mine:
Not only are we "wired" differently, but some people actually have the ability to choose how they wish to move forward from past hurts and heartaches.
They might even feel empowered by the process, simply by taking control of their lives.
Some allow themselves to remain victims of past hurts and bad circumstances, finding themselves taking another lap around the over-crowded "woe is me" lap pool.
Don't do it! Don't join the others in the "woe is me" lap pool! I heard that people pee in that one!
Be the one to use past experiences as a platform to become stronger, better and wiser. Use it as a way to help others who might be struggling through their own hard times.
Don't choose to hold onto past hurts, old grudges and long ago betrayals! Don't do it! It'll give you cellulite! (Okay, there's no scientific proof of this..... I just made that up because I knew that some of you, like me, would work harder at this challenge if you thought it would actually work at getting rid of that "hail damage" we all have to contend with.) hee.....
Anyway, here's my prayer: Lord, please let me be part of the positive-gotta-move-forward-and-upward crew! I wanna grow stronger! I want to evolve into Greatness! I wanna swim free in the "Ocean of Lessons Learned", not make another lap in that dirty, nasty, lazy river of "blechh". Please!
And Lord, please extend your Grace in times of self-pity and ignorance when I find myself caught up wallowing in the victim role. I hate that role as I know it isn't becoming on anyone. Love you, Lord."
**Here's to Good Perceptions!**
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