Monday, March 26, 2012

Thou Shall Appreciate the Many "Forks" Along the Road of Life

"When you come to the fork in the road, take it."  ~~ Yogi Berra

Have you ever regretted a past decision to such a degree that you wish you could literally travel back in time and have your own personal "do-over"?

Think about it.  You could've gone either way with your decision....and now, unfortunately, you feel you made the wrong one.
You want a do-over.....a reboot....a mulligan..... a flat-out-freakin'-A-I-made-a-mistake-please-let-this-be-a-bad-dream-and-let-me-start-this-part-of-my-life-over-RE-DO! (ha!)

I think if you've lived long enough, you probably know exactly what I'm talking about.

We've all heard of the phrase, "Fork in the road."

These are the "what ifs" of our lives.  We can choose this route and have this outcome....OR....choose this path and take our life in this direction.

What if my decision causes hurt and heartache to someone I truly care about?
What if I choose the wrong school.....the wrong job......or worse......the wrong love?

But think about it: IF we really could go back in time and reverse our "wrong decision" (meaning that you would lose everything you gained from that experience as well), would we actually do it?

I have a friend (who is in the midst of a painful divorce), recently say to me, "Teri, IF only I could go back in time...."
She let that sentence linger a minute, as she shook her head, staring at the floor.

I finally broke in and said, "What?.....If you could go back in time....What, Martha?"

Surprised by my response, she continued, "Well, I dunno.  I guess I was gonna say that if I could go back in time, I never woulda married the jerk in the first place."

I chimed in, with a mischievous smile and said, "Would you, Martha?  Would you really?  Knowing all the things you wouldn't have in this life if you had never married you really think you'd take a different path and not marry him if you had the choice to do it all again?

She cocked her head, smiled and just looked at me.

I continued my point, "Think about that....
*If not for that 'mofo' (I'm not really a cusser, so this was really to make her laugh), you wouldn't have two of the most precious children this world has ever known....
*If not for that 'son-of-a-biscuit', you probably wouldn't be here in this wonderful town surrounded by this circle of friends who absolutely love, cherish and support the woman you are....and the phenomenal human being you will continue to be....
*AND....if not for that 'm.f.s.a.b.' (Mom, that stands for, 'Mean, flippin', sinner and bozo) *wink* would never have learned such incredibly valuable lessons about life...AND about YOURSELF!  You've grown so much!!"

She smiled, squeezed my hand and said, "T, you are good.... I'll give you that. Your words hit home...But, I'm gonna have to call you out.  YOU, sister, need to listen to your own words when you harp about how life seems to have passed you by in 'this endeavor....or that dream."

I had to laugh! "Touche', my love! Touche'."

It sure is easier giving advice when it's not you in the middle of the life-storm, isn't it?  ha!

Anyway, the reality is that we, as humans, are constantly growing, evolving and changing.
That. is. life. period.

Our life circumstances and life experiences help to shape us into who we are and what we are meant to be for this world.

So, I guess, that instead of looking behind us at those times or opportunities that we regret, ache over or feel like passed us by, the true purpose for each experience is to learn from them.  We are constantly  learning....constantly evolving....and constantly growing.

My motto?  Gotta keep moving.
Gotta keep on moving forward...and upward.

We must never look back with regret.  Ever.
We are constantly being shaped by every single decision we make.  So never look back with regret.  Just learn from your mistakes and relish in those times that the path you chose, (when standing at the "fork") actually panned out just like you had hoped it would!

Actually, you know what?  Relish in all of it....because all of it ultimately makes us who we are....
......and who we are is pretty dang great.

Like Yogi said, "Just pick a path and move forward."
....And UPward. ;-)

Here's to all the many wonderful forks in this "road of life!"

Celebrate 'em all!


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