Two days ago, I had a
dear friend call me and tell me how much my dad's credo meant to her. (I shared
a small portion of it last week, here on facebook.)
She got very emotional
on the phone and proceeded to tell me that in some weird and wonderful way she
feels such a strong connection to my dad. She says she feels it every single
time I share something from him.....whether it is from my memory bank, or
something he actually wrote that I share with yall.
She said "Teri,
it's like he's in my head! It's crazy! The things you share through his
writings are EXACTLY how I feel myself! The things he questioned are EXACTLY
what I question too!"
I gotta be honest with
yall..... I actually get this response A LOT from people. And I love it!
Dad had this
incredible way of "connecting" with absolutely everybody he came into
contact with when he was alive. So to know that he is still
"reaching" others even after he is no longer with us on earth is such
a gift to my siblings and me.
The other day, I was
surprised (and amazed) at the response I received from many (on facebook and by
phone) about how much my dad's words meant to them.
*Some of them telling
me that it has actually inspired them to do the same for their own children!
terrific and worthwhile thing to be!
*Think about it......
To be inspired....to have others be inspired BY YOU.....AND... to be inspired
Can you imagine
anything better than that?
It's a beautiful
****Anyway, If you
feel like continuing, I've decided to share with you the very first part of
Dad's credo.
In this first part, he
is trying to get across and explain to us four kids what this credo of his is....and
how much value we should put into it.
This is the way he
parented. He gave us his thoughts, ideas and opinions....but he would
ultimately encourage us to question everything and figure out for ourselves
what we believed.....what we gathered from the world around us, not just go by
what he said or felt.
He wanted this life to
be OUR journey, not his.
*And I think that's a
pretty special way to parent. ;-)
Here is Dad's words in the first paragraph of
his credo:
"This is my
credo, at this point in my life. Some of the things I say on these pages, I am
certain about, some of them I'm I'm not so certain about. Many of the things
listed here would not have been listed here five years ago. Most of the things
listed here, would not have been here 10 years ago. In fact, there are a few
thoughts listed here that 20 years ago, I would have believed were blasphemous
and irreverent. I would never mean to be irreverent when talking about God,
however He is perceived by each individual. I just hope that I am growing. The
only way I personally can grow is to question my own thoughts and the thoughts
of others. I have been unable to grow by sitting and listening to others and
accepting what is said as "the way". On the other hand, if someone
can grow by sitting and listening to others and accepting what is said as
"the way", then, for them, it IS "the way." I think we are
all on separate paths. I think our beliefs are based on what we grew up
hearing, what we have heard from others, what we have read, and liked, and from
our own feelings and experiences. How in the world would we expect someone else
to believe the same way we believe? So why do we judge someone wrongly or put
them at a lower level on the "Christian Totem pole" if they don't
agree with our own beliefs, or if they don't say the same words that we say? We
are just on different paths. No one is more right and no one is wrong.
So, I am trying to put some of my thoughts on
paper for myself. I might share them with some of my friends that I feel will
not judge me, but who will question some of my statements out loud and make me
explain some statements, which will only help me grow more. Some of my
statements might evoke criticism from some individuals, but I can learn from
them also. But I will try to be open and honest with my thoughts because if I'm
not, there's no sense in writing it. So, without being overly dramatic here and
a little hokey, here is what I feel about a few things:
And then Dad proceeds to share his beliefs (at
that stage in his life as he knew it to be).
It is insightful. It
is interesting. It is thought-provoking. And mostly ......It. Is. INSPIRING.
And no matter
what.....I draw such comfort. Such sweet peace from his words. I absolutely
cherish his words...because they are HIS.
***Start writing
things down for your babies!! They will TREASURE it!!!
I promise. :)As ever,
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