Monday, July 23, 2012


*Looking at life's "Goliaths" from a different perspective*

You know how we sometimes mull things over and over and OVER in our minds trying to make sense of a life-situation that seems utterly impossible to make sense of?

We try to let it go, but we just simply can't!

And for a little while we are consumed with thoughts of ways we could've handled things differently.

During the day we seem fine. I mean, we got it all totally under control, right?
...But then the sun goes down and nightfall sets in.

...Yep, THIS is when our mind goes crazy thinking of ALL the different ways we could have changed the outcome of something that didn't go as we had hoped or planned.

We imagine ALL of the different and better ways we SHOULD have or COULD have handled our unfortunate situation. Our hearts and minds are consumed with regret and frustration.

All we want is one little ole thing.......a life "do-over."

But, alas, we finally conclude that going back in time is impossible. We decide that our only choice is to simply "turn the page"...."change the life channel."
 What's done is done.

People will say to us, "It's done. It's over. Let it go. Let it be. Learn from it. Move forward!"

Today, while on the phone with a dear friend battling with her own personal "stuff", I could literally feel her thinking,(with some timely awkward pauses in our conversation)....
 "Oh really, Teri? Move on? That's all I gotta do? Well, duh, genius! How profound." ha!

**Moving on is so much easier said than done, isn't it?!

 (Tonight, she confirmed that that was EXACTLY what she was thinking.) Haha!! *We both howled with laughter. I KNEW IT!!

So I shocked her. I said, "You know what, *Tanya, here's some different advice for ya.... (and this advice came to me in an instant!) I said,

"I'm thinking you should keep mulling."

Her: "Huh?"

Me: "Yep. Keep mulling. Wallow in it. Think about it constantly. Mull away."

**There was awkward silence so I continued,

"I dunno, maybe sometimes "mulling" might actually be good for us. What I mean is, if we didn't "mull" over our own life regrets, wouldn't it mean that we didn't care as much?

I could be totally way off base here, but to me, "mulling" over something we did wrong sort of means we wish we had another chance to make things right.

It means life has stung us (or we have stung ourselves) just enough so that we wish for another opportunity...another shot at that SAME situation to do it the RIGHT way!

We want a mulligan, a life do-over so badly! We want another chance so we can handle things differently......properly.....​appropriately.

I remembered the story of David and Goliath.

I asked Tanya to think about something:
"What if this bad time in your life is your own personal"giant"?
Think about it. This issue in your life is BIG. It's scary. It's intimidating. It's consuming your thoughts and fears...
...and as a "David" you HAVE to slay it! You have to! In order for you to move on from this.... In order for you to be able to be the wife and mother you wish to be.....You MUST slay this freakin' giant!"

And then I threw a little cold water on her for effect. I said, "....I guarantee you it won't be the last "giant" you face, either, friend. So, the quicker you learn how to slay this one, the better prepared you will be for the next one!"

(I know from experience) ;-)

I told her that I believe Every single thing that happens in our lives DOES serve a higher purpose.... EVERYTHING.

I am saying with all of my heart that we are ALL CONSTANTLY being prepared for GREATNESS.


And we actually get the strongest during the HARDEST parts of life! Wish so badly it didn't have to be that just flippin' is. So deal.

Through every single life event that happens in our lives...every circumstance ...and every situation....God. has. a. GREATER. purpose. for. it, period.
 ....and that purpose is to build our spiritual muscles and especially our connection to HIM.

We can't beat ourselves up over every little mistake or wrong decision we make. We just can't do that to ourselves OR the people around us who need us to be present and healthy minded.....

......and look, if we ultimately view our "giant" problems and impossible situations from God's perspective, (proper perspective), then we realize that WITH Him by our side... ready to fight our battles WITH us and FOR us......we are able to fight more clearly...more effectively.

.....And, Once we reach that mountain top, we have a much clearer perspective of why we had to go through some of the things we had to go through. Do you see what I mean?

Listen, even if you DON'T see what I mean?...I'm telling you to TRY HARD to do so. (Ha!)

Think about it..... from this perspective, everybody wins.

....especially you. *wink*

Here's to my buddy "Tanya" and to all of us willing to be "Davids" of the world.

...And you know what? I'm also gonna give props to the "Giants" in our lives.
 ...May we forever learn from them, move from them and appreciate the education we receive from them.

~~Stepping down from the pulpit now. ;-)

As Dad used to say, "Amen, Amen and Amen."

As ever, 

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