*A few
introspective thoughts from my dad*
When my
dad wrote about things he loved and believed in, these ideas, thoughts and
opinions were at the forefront of his mind at the time that he wrote his credo.
I Hope it gets you thinking about your own
belief system. It sure does that for me. ;-)
Here is
just a small portion of Dad's beliefs:
He wrote:
believe in laughter and a whole lot of it.
*I believe in crying but not a whole lot of
*I believe it's okay to show emotion in
*I think children are the neatest things on
*I love people who can laugh at themselves.
*I love people that kid and can take kidding.
*I have a hard time figuring out people who
can't take kidding.
*I believe we take things too seriously,
especially religion.
*At the moment, I can't believe I'm trying to
be serious.
*I believe religion gets in the way sometimes
of spirituality.
*I believe many of our churches are dying
because they are boring.
*I believe many preachers are boring.
*I believe a lot of church curriculum for our
children is boring.
*I believe I am boring right now.
(ha!..I can totally hear him say that.)
this point in is credo, Dad goes on to talk a little bit about his thoughts on
Heaven and Hell) then he says this about Hell:
do I really believe about Hell? Well, If God created the devil and hell, He
would have to know that He, himself, was going to send some of His children
there, and it even follows that He would have a pretty good idea who they would
be. So, that would give us a God who created the temptation, who created
persons unable to resist it, and who pre-condemned them to an eternal residence
in the furnaces of Satan. Personally, if the God I dearly believe in, was this
kind of God, I would not believe in nor worship Him.
At this
point, Dad sprinkles in some humor.)
wrote, "I wonder how Jesus would have handled his own 15 year-old son who
bugs the daylights out of Him to get his chariots license."
Then he added:
"I wonder how the disciples wives liked
their husbands just dropping everything to follow Jesus?"
((((I mean,
seriously, who thinks of stuff like this?? ha!! THIS was how my dad thought
about everything all. the. time! ha!...so now I do! I drive myself nuts
thinking about things like this .....and drive Kevin crazy trying to get him to
think along these lines too! Ha!! Kevin will sometimes just stop and stare at
me...then shake his head like, "where do you get this stuff?!"
Dad goes into his beliefs that Jesus must have been funny and super fun loving
when He wasn't preaching. Dad wrote: "Could you imagine being around
someone who was doing some serious teaching and preaching 24 hours a day?"
so true if you really think about that!! haha!)))
this portion of Dad's credo, it gets really, really good to me.... He touches
upon subjects that many might find controversial or uncomfortable...but for me
it absolutely stirs my soul and provokes thoughts inside of me that cause me to
really sit down, reflect and figure out what it is that I truly believe.))))
And if
for no other reason, that's good enough for me.
Have a
great (and thought-filled) day!!
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