Monday, July 23, 2012


Her son was fussy, disgruntled and agitated. And to be fair to this 6 year-old sweet baby boy, he was tired, hungry and just plain not happy at that moment.

We've ALL had those moments....and unfortunately for some of us (adults)...we allow our "moments" to turn into hours...our "hours" into days... days into weeks..until, (and in some cases), our weeks avalanche into years! (yuck!) Years of pity-partying... What a waste!

It's true! Some of us feel slighted by life...
We feel we got a raw deal...the wrong end of the stick...and we feel stuck.
And to be quite frank, some of us WANT to wallow in it for a little while. We like it! Yep, we CHOOSE to remain in this state of mind because it becomes comfortable. We become lazy and we don't want to do what it takes to come out of our self-pity. Yep, lazy and crazy. Baaaad combination.

It's funny. When my babies were younger and acting out and not being their best self in front of others, admittedly, I would make all kind of excuses for them.
All the time.
It used to drive Kevin bonkers. He wanted to punish them but softie me would excuse their terrible behavior over and over.
 I would say (in a most sympathetic tone):

*Aww...c'mon, Kev....My goodness. Look at 'em.... they are just so tired.
 *They're hungry.
 *It is way past their nap time.
 *Poor baby woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

And just like I used to do for my own, I was the one making excuses for my friend's little boy when he was acting out of sorts with me in front of his mama the other night... I said, "Oh c'mon, G.A., he's tired. Let him be. He's been going non-stop all day and that's gotta be exhausting. He's fine. Let him off the hook this time."

She looked at me like, "Nu-huh...this mama 'don't' play like that."

She walked over to where her son was and said firmly, yet calmly,

"Jacob, look at Mommy". (he looks at her in her eyes) she continues,
"You must stop this behavior right now." (he keeps staring into her eyes.) She goes on to say,

"**Look, son, The world is not against you, so stop acting like it is.**"

I was stunned by her words.
 Most brilliant thing I've ever heard.
I thought, "Why didn't I think of that 13 years ago!" Ha!

What an empowering statement....
 ....not just for kids...but for ALL OF US!

Think about it, how many times do we place blame for our own life-situations or life- circumstances on others??? ...on our surroundings?....on the world??

We look to everybody and everything else to blame BUT ourselves!

We say things like:
 *Just my luck...(bah hum bug).
 *That figures....(ho hum.)
 *Well, of course it didn't work out my way.... it never does."

(Gag!..Do you wanna be THAT person?!) way.

Think about it....who wants to be around an "Eeyore"...a joy-sucker....a negative Nelly....Debbie Downer???

Not me. And if "I" CHOOSE to BE that person, then I'll have to be around all of those things all the time.
Yuck....can't hang. Allergic. (ha!)

Anyway, Gloriane's words were pitch-point-perfectly stated:
 And worth repeating:
 "The world is NOT against you, so stop acting like it is."

She nailed it and her son gets to hear these words from the time he's a little boy until he's a grown man out on his own. So he will grow up taking ownership of his own feelings...his own actions....
 It's just so good.

The world is FOR us....
 .... the world wants the very best FOR us...
 .....The world is designed FOR US....
........for GOD's PURPOSE....not our own.

So if you are having a rough go of it lately......quit wallowing in self-pity... (it only feels good for a minute anyway...and it's not very becoming on anybody.)

Do whatever you gotta do to Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and Begin acting like the world is FOR YOU...

....Because IT IS.....

;-) Teri

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