Monday, February 27, 2012

Thou Shall Leave Behind "Thoughts from the grave"

"You are not here merely to make a living.  You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision and with finer spirit of hope and achievement.  You are here to enrich the world.  You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand."  ~~ Woodrow Wilson

About three years after my father died, my mom gave my three siblings and me one of the greatest treasures of my lifetime: Our dad's "Credo".  
 **A credo is basically a statement of belief...or a statement of faith that describes the beliefs shared by the person who wrote it.**

It was a gift Mom gave to each of us on the 3rd anniversary of Dad's death.  
I'm not sure if she was going through some of Dad's old papers and other belongings and just stumbled upon this treasure?  Or, if she knew where it was all along and just thought the timing was right for us to receive it.
Either way, it was perfectly and divinely timed for me to receive it at that point in my life and I have cherished it ever since.

Mom attached her own note to the cover of this precious credo and the last two sentences of her note to us expressed what I believe Dad was trying to accomplish all along in writing his credo in the first place.

Mom ended her note:
"....but remember when reading it, that he probably still believed most of what he wrote, but he would have loved hearing what each of you would have to say about it.  I think that if this provokes you to do some of your own soul searching, he would be happy.  For me, it has certainly challenged me to try harder to be a better person."

Dad had actually written this credo in 1989; Eighteen years before his death. He was 58 years-old when he passed away.  Actually, now that I think about it, he was the same age that I am right now when he wrote it.
**This is significant to me only because it seems that I, myself, am at a very interesting, reflective and challenging time in my own life.  Life is completely changing and evolving as my children are entering very new and different stages in their own lives. Kevin and I are simply doing the very best we can to navigate this part of our family's journey without steering all of us off course! ha!
I just wonder if it's this age?....Or if it just so happens that life is opening up in new ways and new directions that has me searching, seeking and trying my darndest to find just the right path that will lead me to where God wants me to go.
I don't know.... I'm just along for the ride...and hoping I'm doing what I'm supposed to do.   ...And when I don't do what I'm supposed to do, I'm hoping I can learn from my mistakes and move on with grace. ;-)

I wanted to share with you Dad's "lead in" to his credo.  I want to do this for two reasons:
#1.  I want you to have a taste into the kind of man my father was.....and why I feel so blessed to have been raised by someone so open, so loving and SO REAL! ha!
#2.  I'm  hoping that maybe this might encourage YOU to think about leaving your own "message to/for the world"... especially for your loved ones that you will leave behind.  

It is a precious treasure to have Dad's "thoughts" in writing like this.  It is almost as though I can hear his voice in my mind while I read it.  It makes me smile.  It makes me cry.  It makes me think.  And it makes me laugh (a lot!).  He was the very best at knowing how to share his deepest thoughts in the most unassuming and enticing way.

I promise to share bits and pieces here and there from his Credo as the years go by, but for now, this is his introduction.  This is how he introduced us to his Credo:
"This is my credo, at this moment in my life.  Some of the things I say on these pages, I am certain about, some of them I'm not so certain about.  Many of the things listed here would not have been listed here five years ago.  Most of the things listed here, would not have been here 10 years ago.  In fact, there are a few thoughts listed here that 20 years ago, I would have believed were blasphemous and irreverent.  I would never mean to be irreverent when talking about God, however He is perceived by each individual.  I just hope that I am growing.  
The only way I personally can grow is to question my own thoughts and the thoughts of others.  I have been unable to grow by sitting and listening to others and accepting what is said as "the way."  On the other hand, if someone can grow by sitting and listening to others and accepting what is said as "the way", then, for them, it is "the way."
I think we are all on separate paths.  I think our beliefs are based on what we grew up hearing, what we have heard from others, what we have read and liked, and from our own feelings and experiences.  How in the world should we expect someone else to believe the same way we believe?  So, why do we judge someone wrongly or put them at a lower level on the "Christian totem pole" if they don't agree with our own beliefs, or if they don't say the same words that we say.  We are just on different paths.  No one is more right and no one is wrong.
So, I am trying to put some of my thoughts on paper for myself.  I might share them with some of my friends, whom I feel will not judge me, but who will question some of my statements out loud and make me explain some statements....which will only help me grow more.
Some of my statements might evoke criticism from some individuals, but I can learn from them also.  But I will try to be open and honest with my thoughts because if I'm not, there's no sense in writing it.  So, without being overly dramatic here and a little hokey, here is what I feel about a few things:"

Dad then goes into 4 fully typed pages of THE most thought-provoking, honest, raw and poignant thoughts and beliefs I have EVER read.

To me, Dad's credo is something that, when shared, will leave you pondering your own faith, your own belief system and many of life's most poignant a good way!  He had such a beautiful way of engaging people and getting them to really think for themselves about what it was they felt God wanted for their lives. 
What a Precious soul. :)

Thanks for letting me share this today!  So fun!

And please take this as a little "nudge" to write something down that will encourage, inspire, entice, enrich and inspire your own loved ones after your time on earth is done. 
**And don't wait!  None of us know when our time is up!  Write down whatever moves you...
I promise you that your crew will treasure it! ;-)

Have a beautiful Monday!



  1. Thanks Teri! I pulled up the voice recorder ap on my phone and started taking notes this morning.

    This is very emotional for me - I would love to see more of your Dad's thoughts. I wish I had known him better.

  2. He would absolutely ADORE you, Trish! I will have to bring a copy with me when I come see all of you for the fella's "homecoming!" ;-)
    It is unbelievably honest, funny and very thought-provoking! You, will love it and you will end up loving him even more.
    He had such a way with being able to put his thoughts into words.
    I'm so glad you are doing this!
    Love you friend!
