Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"Thou shall choose happiness"

**At the beginning of every post, Claudia and I will share a favorite quote of ours that will set the tone for that particular "Life Commandment."  (We LOVE good quotes!..So share them freely if you have a favorite!)

"Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind." ~~ William James

What is it that gives some people the ability to conquer the world at every stage of their life?  It seems they are able to skate through life with nary a bump or bruise to show for it, while others seem to fall on "hard luck" and grumble at every turn of their life-journey?

Do the "conquerors" really skate through life with nary a bump or bruise, or are they just simply choosing not to dwell on the rougher parts of their journey?

It seems the "conquerors" are not only able to express gratitude for the lessons learned along the "bumpier" parts of their path, but oftentimes they use their trials as perfect opportunities to grow and strengthen their spiritual muscles. I am sure they worry, share frustration and sometimes may even experience fear about the future......but they never dwell there for too long!  They very quickly begin thinking about their next step, their next move to help further their advancement of the mission at hand.

So what is it that separates the "conquerors" from the group I call "Eeyores?"  "Eeyores" are those who tend to dwell in the negative.  This group finds comfort and even solace in the negative thoughts.  They are the ones you might hear express disdain for their life-circumstances.  You'll hear them say, "Well, I knew I was going to get overlooked for that position anyway."  Or "I have terrible luck.  Nothing ever goes my way."  They are clearly those stuck in a vicious cycle of bringing negativity their way due to their very own negative thoughts and actions.

I do love observing Eeyores though, because for some weird reason they fascinate me.  It seems that their poor attitude becomes so habitual that even when great things happen to them, they always seem to find a negative aspect to point out to everyone.  Isn't that bizarre?  I'm not wired that way, so I just don't get it!

But let's think about that.... Are we really "wired" a certain way? (Meaning is it just simply in our DNA?) Or do we handle life-circumstances by what we witnessed in our own upbringing?  I wonder what would happen if we all truly understood and could fully grasp the power in our own choices! I mean can we really choose happiness? Really?!

You better believe it! Of course we can! Happiness IS a choice!
*My oldest is 13 and I love it (insert sarcastic tone) when he throws this mantra of mine right back in my face during my "not so great" moments. Ha!  I'll be in a mood that's not very becoming and maybe even barking at everybody when he'll slyly say, "Uh, yeh, Mom? Happiness is a choice, right?"  Aaaargh..... Don't ya just hate it when they decide to remember your "life lessons" at those moments? Ha! ;-)

Anyway, I have learned so much about life, the image that I wish to project, the perceptions I wish to portray just by simply observing others.  It seems that most of us tend to gravitate towards those who are most like us.  Happy people tend to hang around positive, uplifting people and, of course, on the other side of the spectrum, unhappy people tend to feel most comfortable around their negative cohorts.

This is a choice as well!  Choose to surround yourself with people who have a generosity of spirit, those who are loving, kind, fair, supportive and ....happy.

I once read a book that moved me to such a degree that I ordered 20 more to give away as Christmas gifts that year. On page 109 of The Travelers Gift, Author, Andy Andrews wrote what has become my mantra:

"Today I will choose to be happy.  I will smile at every person I meet.  My smile has become my calling card.  It is, after all, the most potent weapon I possess.  My smile has the strength to forge bonds, break ice, and calm storms.  I will use my smile constantly.  Because of my smile, the people with whom I come in contact on a daily basis will choose to further my causes and follow my leadership.  I will always smile first.  That particular display of a good attitude will tell others what I expect in return."

Don't ya just love that?!  How empowering!  It IS our choice! It always has been and always will be OUR choice!  It is up to us to be the influence on others as to how to handle life's ups and downs with grace, dignity, humor and ultimately with the right attitude.

There is nothing greater than fully understanding the gift of a positive and healthy attitude...about life, love and about yourself.  Equip yourself.  Be the "conqueror."  Be the example to the "Eeyores" of the world that when you can't find your tail, just decide you didn't need it anyway!  Life is so good.  And it's fleeting.  So use your life wisely.  Use it humbly and be thankful...so thankful that no matter where you live, what you do or who you are surrounded by, your attitude is all YOURS. 
And the choice is yours too. 
So..... choose happiness. ;-)



  1. I've "divorced" a few Eeyore's from my friendship list, in my lifetime...never easy, but certainly a relief, in the long run.

    I'd rather live with a smile on my face, and in the footsteps of my friend Teri! :)

    Thanks for another life lesson, my friend.

    Love, hugs, and prayers...xoxooxo...Jill Chauncy

  2. I love how you put this into words. I fully agree with you. I remember being younger and not being the happy, positive person that I am today. I became the person I am today by watching other people, people I admired, people that appeared to have it all together (your sister was a HUGE influence on who I am today), learning by their examples and by my own mistakes. Every New Year I try to improve on one aspect of my life, my biggest life change was one particular New Year (many years ago) and my improvement was to stop judging people by their appearance. That was the best New Year gift I ever gave myself.

    I look forward to following your journey here. Love you!

  3. I am so thrilled for you Teri! I can't wait to read your blog on a regular basis...and see when you become the next Dear Abby with your great advice!!! Whooo hooo! xoxo Penney
